Paper rejections ordered by submission date... Conference: ICDE 2014, WWW 2014, AAAI 2014, KDD 2014, CIKM 2014, SIGMOD 2015, AAAI 2015, WWW 2015, IJCAI 2015, NIPS 2015, AAAI 2016, ICDE 2016, SIGMOD 2016, KDD 2016, NIPS 2016, VLDB 2017, WSDM 2017, WWW 2017, WWW 2017, KDD 2017, CIKM 2017, AAAI 2018, AAAI 2019, KDD 2019, DSAA 2019, VLDB 2020, ICDM 2019, SDM 2020, AISTATS 2020, IJCAI 2020, DSAA 2020, ICML 2020, PAKDD 2021, AAAI 2021, KDD 2021, ICML 2021, FSTTCS 2021, RecSys 2022, WSDM 2023, WWW 2023, ESA 2023, NeurIPS 2023, STOC 2024, NeurIPS 2024, SODA 2025 Journal: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (2014), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (2018), Information Processing Letters (2020), Linear Algebra and its Applications (2021), Journal of Machine Learning Research (2021), Discrete Applied Mathematics (2023), Theoretical Computer Science (2024), TheoretiCS (2024), SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2024)